Chiropractic Services

What is it?

Chiropractic’s origins in metaphysical and philosophical concepts matured primarily by DD Palmer, and his son BJ Palmer. Since then the philosophy and science of chiropractic has consistently expanded since its inception with DD in 1895. Some aspects of chiropractic, though, remain unchanged.

Not the mainstream view of chiropractors as “back doctors,” but the original intention of chiropractic, that being, “to release interference to the expression of the innate intelligence of the body.” Our bodies have an organizing intelligence that coordinates heartbeat, breathing, digestion, and chemical balance without our conscious awareness. Walking, talking, thinking and listening are all possible without knowing the complex interactions that take place. All actions and reactions, and all healing, occur as a result of the expression of this intelligence. 

Whenever we experience dis-ease in our lives, whether it is physical symptoms, chemical dependency, or emotional/mental patterns, it is because this intelligence is not being expressed. Chiropractors refer to this interference as a subluxation, and chiropractic adjustments are intended to release the subluxation, thereby allowing the body’s innate intelligence to be expressed.

The developer of Chiropractic Dr. BJ Palmer illustrates the essence of chiropractic beautifully, “We Chiropractors work with the subtle substance of the soul. We release the imprisoned impulse, the tiny rivulet of force that emanates from the mind and flows over the nerves to the cells and stirs them into life. We deal with the magic power that transforms common food into living, loving, thinking clay; that robes the earth with beauty and hues, and scents the flowers with the glory of the air.”
Dr. Eddie uses his chiropractic analysis to detect interferences at the spinal level that may be interrupting your body’s full expression of life. He uses an array of techniques to personalize the care you need in order to reach your health goals.


The majority of our problems as adults can be traced back to our younger years. Looking back and remembering all the scraped knees and bumped elbows, and not to mention the falls; from the bed, the bike, the tree, the playground!! A gentle revision and adjustment of the spine is recommended and can even prevent serious issues in the future! Guess at what age Dr Eddie received his first chiropractic adjustment?

Conditions that respond well and improve under chiropractic care:

Pregnancy & Family

Most of your mom friends will tell you that the pain arrives before the baby does! With proper adaptations, most moms can start their chiropractic care during pregnancy and can continue up until birth! Ensuring your pelvis is centered promotes more space for the baby and less pain for you! Dr Eddie jokes and says adjustments during pregnancy are 2x1s because both mom and baby benefit!
A German doctor once studied the neck and spine of nearly 1,000 newborn babies. He found nearly 80% presented with vertebral subluxations in the spine—predominately in the cervical region (the neck!). All babies should get checked by a pediatric chiropractor who specializes in prenatal care.

Is the gum not sticking? Are you and your partner having troubles growing the family? If you heard that starting chiropractic care could help with fertility, YOU ARE CORRECT! There are many cases of growing families because mom and dad got checked! Ideally mom-to-be should be getting checked before because she has also had her share of stress, falls, accidents, etc. Getting your spine adjusted ensures better biomechanical structure and health is directly related to the stability of your structure!


Pain. Prevention. Performance. Whether you are in pain currently or you want to prevent future injuries from happening, chiropractic is the perfect ally. Chiropractic has been shown to increase the body’s ability to respond to stress, recover from sicknesses, and increase energy levels.

1. Stressed? Get adjusted
2. Sick? Get adjusted
3. Slow? Get adjusted

You don’t have to have a problem to get checked. Just because you feel fine, it doesn’t guarantee everything will remain that way. A proper evaluation can detect future problems before they arise.


If it has a spine and nervous system and it is exposed to the natural elements of Earth, it SHOULD be assessed for vertebral subluxations and adjusted if need be.
Things to look out for:

1. Asymmetrical walking/running
2. Difficulties turning in one/both directions
3. Dislikes carrying loads (horses)


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